A series of tombstone are located under the Chancel of the Church of St. Padarn, and, although these are difficult to read Mr. A.J. Parkinson has been able to record the following.

.. . .. aged 25 years. This tomb doth here also enclose the body of the above nam'd Rice Edwards of Navy Hall, Esqr. who departed this life the 14 day of January 1779 aged 87 years. Also his Grandson Rice V. Edwards Esqr. who exchanged a life of uncertainty for a blessed immortality on the 23rd Day of September 1811.

...... w ho lived with Mary his wife in Perfect Love and Harmony 55 years, of their Offspring Eight Sons and Eight Daughters. Miscarriages Six. and 20 Grand Children.

Here lieth ye Body of Frances James. Daughter of Stephen James of Aberystwyth, Merchant, who Died June ye 10th 1753 aged 2 years. Here also lieth ye Body of Catherine James Daughter of Stephen James who died Octr ye 13th 1757 aged 4 years.

…….She died the 9th of August 1775 Aged 6 years.

Six blooming youths cut down by death you see
Like tender branches from the parent tree.
When Christ our Lord appears, we all shall rise
And bloom for ever in His Paradise.

…… daughter to Stephen James of Aberystwyth, ( Mercer) She departed this life the 29 th of December 1763, aged One year.

Remember, Lord, our mortal state,
How frail our life! how short the date.
Where is the Man that draws his Breath
Safe from Disease, Secure from Death.

Here also lieth the Body of Edward Don Lee James, who died the 23 of February 1779Aged 22 years.

6 .
.....She departed this life the 26 Day of February 1785, in the 27th year of her Age.

Tan gloion Angau 'rwyf yn gaeth
Yn gorwedd yma lawr.
Hyd onis gwawrio bore ddydd
Yr aggyfodiad mawr.

Ac yma mi gaf gid, i'r lan, i hyfryd gwrddage Ac a ddioddefodd cyn fy mod, a marw yn fy lle.

......... So all the rest of human kind
Must soon depart this life, you'll find.

HERE also lie the remains of Morris Evans son of David Evans of Aberystwyth Glazier, by Elinor his wife he died the 28th of September 1815, aged 9 years.

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Elizabeth Lewis
All died in their infancy

Here Lieth the body of Thomas Marriott Esq Manchester who died on the 16th day of December 1832 in the 62nd year of his age.

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